Testnet Environment for Migration

To aid in testing the Across migration, we have deployed two SpokePools and created sample deposits and fills to test against.

Both SpokePools are deployed on Sepolia. One has a distinct chainId to make the deposits and fills realistic. Similarly, there are two distinct token addresses (vanilla WETH instances) that are native to each SpokePool to keep things as realistic as possible. If you would like to create your own deposits and fills for testing, you are free to do so. You can mint both WETH tokens by calling deposit. Once you have the tokens, you should be able to approve the contracts and make deposits and fills freely.

Note: no bundles will be run on this test deployment, meaning all WETH you deposit will be locked and fills will not be repaid. This is meant as a basic environment to allow you to test you event parsing and processing logic.



Transfer 1 from SpokePool1 to SpokePool2

Transfer 2 from SpokePool2 to SpokePool1

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