Find below important migration information for users of the Across API and the smart contracts (e.g. those who call the Across SpokePools directly to deposit or fill bridge transfers and those who track SpokePool events).
Across V2 is migrating in-place to V3 and will support crosschain token swaps and a more streamlined contract interface. This guide is intended to help developers who integrate with Across to prepare their codebases for the upgrade. Please note that this page is a work in progress, and more sections will be added to help with different types of integrations.
Summary of Breaking Changes
Recipient contracts implementing handleAcrossMessage must now replace that with a handleAcrossV3Message call. Details.
Across V2 events including FundsDeposited will no longer be emitted. These will be replaced with V3 events. Details.
Relayers must now fill all deposits with a new function, fillV3Relay(). Details.
Depositors who wish to speed up their deposits must now use speedUpV3Deposit() instead of requestSpeedUpDeposit(). Details.
Across API migration guide
Across v3 redesigns how fees are handled when creating deposits. In a nutshell, the calculation of fees will be simplified and replaced byinputAmount/outputAmount arguments. This will impact the response data of the API and also how to call the deposit function of a SpokePool contract. Note that these changes won't be breaking short-term but are actionable mid- to long-term.
Non-breaking changes
For a seamless upgrade, there will be no breaking changes for the existing v2 interfaces.
Both will be available, but eventually will be sunset, please upgrade to accordingly.
Updated from to
[Updated] relayFeePct will now include lpFeePct
In Across v2, the request GET /suggested-fees returned
The lpFeePct was not required as an argument and automatically derived based on the quoteTimestamp. But if you wanted to show the total bridge fee to the user, then you would have to sum them up like
const totalBridgeFeePct = relayFeePct + lpFeePct
In Across v3, we need to pass the lpFeePct as part of the total fee when calling the deposit function. In order to be backwards-compatible, the API now returns for GET /suggested-fees
There are no changes to the interface and therefore no changes are required for how you call the deposit function or calculate the total bridge fee. If you want to show the correct fee breakdown though, some changes are needed (see here).
[Added] New v3 fees structure
If you want to show the correct detailed fee breakdown, you can use the newly added v3 properties of the GET /suggested-fees response data
Even though there are no actionable changes short-term, some change will be actionable mid- to long-term.
[Deprecated] Flattened fees *Pct/*Total fields will be removed
As described here, the v3 fees have a different structure now. Eventually the redundant fields capitalFeePct, capitalFeeTotal, relayGasFeePct, relayGasFeeTotal and lpFeePct will be removed
Function parameter `bool fillCompleted` has been removed.
For a smooth transition to Across v3, integrators are recommended to implement concurrent support for handleAcrossMessage() and handleV3AcrossMessage(). handleAcrossMessage() can be removed at a later date.
The motivation for updating the function prototype is that partial fills are no longer possible in Across v3, so messaging recipients no longer require special logic to account for them.
If you depend on querying SpokePool events to track the status of bridge transfers, then this section is designed to support you.
Breaking Change: Deprecating Across V2 Events
In Across V2, a bridge consists of a FundsDeposited event (emitted by a deposit() call) on the origin chain and a FilledRelay event on the destination chain. They must match on all common parameters and the FilledRelay#realizedLpFeePct must be equal to the LP fee at the FundsDeposited#quoteTimestamp based on the computation rules described in the UMIP. Moreover, the FilledRelay#destinationToken also needs to match the FundsDeposited#originToken based on the matching rules described in the UMIP.
In Across V3, the deposit() call now emits a V3FundsDeposited event, which must match with a V3FilledRelay event as explained below. This means that FundsDeposited events (V2 events) will no longer be emitted.
Across V3 bridge transfers consist of a V3FundsDeposited event emitted on the origin chain and a FilledV3Relay event emitted on the destination chain.
V3FundsDeposited and FilledV3Relay must match on all common parameters except for outputToken. This can be set to 0x0 (the zero address) at deposit time to signal to relayers that they should use the "equivalent" token on the destinationChainId to fill the deposit, therefore if V3FundsDeposited#outputToken == 0x0 then FilledV3Relay#outputToken must be equal to the "equivalent" token on the destination chain. The Across UMIP should be updated to explain what it means to be "equivalent" but this essentially means the output and input token map to the same token on Ethereum, for example they could be the different USDC addresses on different L2s.
Note that the amount transferred to the recipient is relayExecutionInfo.updatedOutputAmount
// Fill type is emitted in the FilledRelay event to assist Dataworker with determining which types of
// fills to refund (e.g. only fast fills) and whether a fast fill created a sow fill excess.
enum FillType {
// Fast fills are normal fills that do not replace a slow fill request.
// Replaced slow fills are fast fills that replace a slow fill request. This type is used by the Dataworker
// to know when to send excess funds from the SpokePool to the HubPool because they can no longer be used
// for a slow fill execution.
// Slow fills are requested via requestSlowFill and executed by executeSlowRelayLeaf after a bundle containing
// the slow fill is validated.
struct V3RelayExecutionEventInfo {
address updatedRecipient;
bytes updatedMessage;
uint256 updatedOutputAmount;
FillType fillType;
event V3FundsDeposited(
address inputToken,
address outputToken,
uint256 inputAmount,
uint256 outputAmount,
uint256 indexed destinationChainId,
uint32 indexed depositId,
uint32 quoteTimestamp,
uint32 fillDeadline,
uint32 exclusivityDeadline,
address indexed depositor,
address recipient,
address exclusiveRelayer,
bytes message
event FilledV3Relay(
address inputToken,
address outputToken,
uint256 inputAmount,
uint256 outputAmount,
uint256 repaymentChainId,
uint256 indexed originChainId,
uint32 indexed depositId,
uint32 fillDeadline,
uint32 exclusivityDeadline,
address exclusiveRelayer,
address indexed relayer,
address depositor,
address recipient,
bytes message,
V3RelayExecutionEventInfo relayExecutionInfo
Important changes for Relayers
This is an abridged summary of important breaking changes for Relayers to be aware of.
All deposits emitted in V3 contracts will be V3FundsDeposited events which can only be filled via SpokePool#filledV3Relay.
The important changes here are:
realizedLpFeePct The relayer no longer needs to set the realizedLpFeePct as a parameter when calling the fill function. LP fees will still be charged to relayers at refund time (i.e. they will receive the inputAmount minus the LP fees) and these fees will still be computed using the formula in the UMIP based on the deposit.quoteTimestamp. This is a nice quality of life improvement for relayers who will still need to compute the LP fee for a deposit but can use a much wider margin of error, as this fee will only be important for computing their profitability and they will not be at risk of sending an invalid fill if this fee is off by a small amount.
outputToken: See the section above about how outputToken must be set if FundsDeposited#outputToken == 0x0. This should be set to the "equivalent" token for the destination chain in this case.
No partial fills: it is not possible to send partial fills in V3.
Slow fills: Slow fills will be requested via a new function requestSlowFill. Slow fills can only be requested on deposits where the inputToken and outputToken are "equivalent". Slow fills will pay out the inputAmount * realizedLpFeePct, which will be set as the slow fill's updatedOutputAmount
* @notice Fulfill request to bridge cross chain by sending specified output tokens to the recipient.
* @dev The fee paid to relayers and the system should be captured in the spread between output
* amount and input amount when adjusted to be denominated in the input token. A relayer on the destination
* chain will send outputAmount of outputTokens to the recipient and receive inputTokens on a repayment
* chain of their choice. Therefore, the fee should account for destination fee transaction costs, the
* relayer's opportunity cost of capital while they wait to be refunded following an optimistic challenge
* window in the HubPool, and a system fee charged to relayers.
* @dev The hash of the relayData will be used to uniquely identify the deposit to fill, so
* modifying any params in it will result in a different hash and a different deposit. The hash will comprise
* all parameters passed to depositV3() on the origin chain along with that chain's chainId(). This chain's
* chainId() must therefore match the destinationChainId passed into depositV3.
* Relayers are only refunded for filling deposits with deposit hashes that map exactly to the one emitted by the
* origin SpokePool therefore the relayer should not modify any params in relayData.
* @dev Cannot fill more than once. Partial fills are not supported.
* @param relayData struct containing all the data needed to identify the deposit to be filled. Should match
* all the same-named parameters emitted in the origin chain V3FundsDeposited event.
* - depositor: The account credited with the deposit who can request to "speed up" this deposit by modifying
* the output amount, recipient, and message.
* - recipient The account receiving funds on this chain. Can be an EOA or a contract. If
* the output token is the wrapped native token for the chain, then the recipient will receive native token if
* an EOA or wrapped native token if a contract.
* - inputToken: The token pulled from the caller's account to initiate the deposit. The equivalent of this
* token on the repayment chain will be sent as a refund to the caller.
* - outputToken The token that the caller will send to the recipient on the destination chain. Must be an
* ERC20.
* - inputAmount: This amount, less a system fee, will be sent to the caller on their repayment chain of choice as a refund
* following an optimistic challenge window in the HubPool.
* - outputAmount: The amount of output tokens that the caller will send to the recipient.
* - originChainId: The origin chain identifier.
* - exclusiveRelayer The relayer that will be exclusively allowed to fill this deposit before the
* exclusivity deadline timestamp.
* - fillDeadline The deadline for the caller to fill the deposit. After this timestamp,
* the fill will revert on the destination chain.
* - exclusivityDeadline: The deadline for the exclusive relayer to fill the deposit. After this
* timestamp, anyone can fill this deposit.
* - message The message to send to the recipient if the recipient is a contract that implements a
* handleV3AcrossMessage() public function
* @param repaymentChainId Chain of SpokePool where relayer wants to be refunded after the challenge window has
* passed. Will receive inputAmount of the equivalent token to inputToken on the repayment chain.
function fillV3Relay(V3RelayData calldata relayData, uint256 repaymentChainId)
// This struct represents the data to fully specify a **unique** relay submitted on this chain.
// This data is hashed with the chainId() and saved by the SpokePool to prevent collisions and protect against
// replay attacks on other chains. If any portion of this data differs, the relay is considered to be
// completely distinct.
struct V3RelayData {
// The address that made the deposit on the origin chain.
address depositor;
// The recipient address on the destination chain.
address recipient;
// This is the exclusive relayer who can fill the deposit before the exclusivity deadline.
address exclusiveRelayer;
// Token that is deposited on origin chain by depositor.
address inputToken;
// Token that is received on destination chain by recipient.
address outputToken;
// The amount of input token deposited by depositor.
uint256 inputAmount;
// The amount of output token to be received by recipient.
uint256 outputAmount;
// Origin chain id.
uint256 originChainId;
// The id uniquely identifying this deposit on the origin chain.
uint32 depositId;
// The timestamp on the destination chain after which this deposit can no longer be filled.
uint32 fillDeadline;
// The timestamp on the destination chain after which any relayer can fill the deposit.
uint32 exclusivityDeadline;
// Data that is forwarded to the recipient.
bytes message;
struct V3SlowFill {
V3RelayData relayData;
uint256 chainId;
uint256 updatedOutputAmount;
Important changes for dApp Developers
The deposit interface will not change. The function will however emit a new event V3FundsDeposited as outlined in Across V3 Events. The fillDeadline will be set to MAX_UINT, meaning that the deposit will never expire and be refunded to the origin chain. The outputToken will be set to 0x0 to signal to depositors that the "equivalent" output token should be replaced at fill time. The exclusivityDeadline and exclusiveRelayer will be set to 0 and 0x0 respectively suggesting that there is no exclusivity period. Finally, the outputAmount will be equal to inputAmount * (1 - totalRelayFeePct). You can read more about setting this output amount value here.
To speed up a deposit, a new function will need to be used. Previously this was named speedUpDeposit and the new function to speed up a V3FundsDeposited event will be speedUpV3Deposit.