Across API

Source code:

The API is designed to be run serverlessly (without storing state) and is a wrapper on top of the SDK. Implementation here.

Caching & Liveness

Users of the Across API are requested to cache results for no longer than 300 seconds.

The Across API serves data that is derived from the on-chain state of the Across contracts and relayer bots. The on-chain state is subject to change each block, and cached data can quickly become invalid as a result.

Calculating Suggested Fees

The API uses the Across SDK under the hood, but offers a convenient way to get suggested fees when placing a Deposit transaction.


You can visit this example in your browser: Link.

Or curl it on the CLI:

curl ""

Note: When filling relays, it is strongly recommended to use the Across SDK relayFeeCalculator. Using the suggested-fees API endpoint is done at the relayer's own risk.

API Definition

All API calls use the host.


Path: /suggested-fees

Method: GET

Query Params

Returns a JSON object with the following properties:


  • 400: invalid input.

  • 500: an unexpected error within the API.

Querying Limits

The API uses the UMA SDK under the hood, but offers a convenient way to get transfer limits.

Example: Finding limits for bridging USDC from Optimism to Arbitrum.

You can visit this example in your browser: Link

Or curl it on the CLI:

curl ""

API Definition

All API calls use the host.


Path: /limits

Method: GET

Query Params

Returns a JSON object with the following properties:


  • 400: invalid input.

  • 500: an unexpected error within the API.

Finding Available Routes


You can visit this example in your browser: Link

Or curl it on the CLI:

curl ""

API Definition

All API calls use the host.


Path: /available-routes

Method: GET

Query Params

Returns a JSON array of Objects with the following properties:


  • 400: invalid input.

  • 500: an unexpected error within the API.

Last updated