Providing Bridge Liquidity

Please scroll to the bottom of this page for our official tutorial video on adding, staking or removing liquidity or follow the written steps provided below. You may add/remove liquidity at any time.

In the Across ecosystem, liquidity is used to quickly reimburse capital provided by the relayers to bridge users. When an individual provides liquidity to a pool, the individual receives an LP token which represents their individual share of the pool. This share becomes more valuable over time as it accrues fees generated from transfers.

While the amount a liquidity provider withdraws from the pool will always be equal to or greater than what they put in, it's possible a liquidity provider may need to wait until tokens are transferred from non-Ethereum Mainnet chains into the unified liquidity pool on Ethereum Mainnet. You can read more about the benefits of providing liquidity on Across here.

*Please note that Across liquidity pools show a projected maximum APY % and a projected minimum APY % for each token. Your liquidity position will earn a maximum return after 100 days of staking without claiming rewards and without removing your capital.

How to Provide Liquidity to Across

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Connect your wallet

Step 3: Select the pool you would like to add to

Step 4: Enter the amount of tokens you would like to add to the pool or click "MAX"

Step 5: Confirm details and click "Add liquidity"

Step 6: Approve the transaction in your wallet

Step 7: To review your liquidity positions go to

How to Stake Your Liquidity on Across

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Connect your wallet

Step 3: Select the pool you would like to add to

Step 4: Enter the amount of tokens you would like to add to the pool or click "MAX"

Step 5: Confirm details and click "Add liquidity"

Step 6: After you've added liquidity, click the arrow in the box (see above image) to stake your tokens

Step 7: Enter the amount of LP tokens that you would like to stake or click "MAX"

Step 8: Confirm details and click "Stake"

Step 9: Approve the transaction in your wallet

Step 10: To review your liquidity positions go to

How to Remove Liquidity from Across

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Connect your wallet

Step 3: Select the pool you would like to remove liquidity from

Step 4: Enter the amount of tokens you would like to withdraw from the pool or click "MAX"

Step 5: Confirm details and click "Remove liquidity"

Step 6: Approve the transaction in your wallet

Step 7: To review your liquidity positions go to

How to Unstake Liquidity from Across

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Connect your wallet

Step 3: Select the pool you would like to unstake liquidity from

Step 4: Click the arrow in the box (see above image) to access your staked position

Step 5: Click the "Unstake" tab

Step 6: Enter the amount of LP tokens you would like to unstake or click "MAX"

Step 7: Confirm details and click "Unstake"

Step 8: Approve the transaction in your wallet

Step 9: To review your liquidity positions go to

Last updated